The State of Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA), Bureau of Pennsylvania Veterans’ Homes (PVH) was seeking consultative services to assist the DMVA in developing and drafting the Electronic Health Records (EHR) Request for Proposal (RFP), drafting the RFP evaluation guidelines, and assisting the DMVA in preparing the pre-proposal conference materials.
SCB was contracted to assist the Prime Contractor’s team, to compile and understand the requirements for the new EHR system and ensure that all project specifications were achieved.
SCB and the Project Team took a five-step approach to develop the EHR request for proposal:
- Project Planning: confirmed the expectations and participation, that the PVH team will and determine the communication needs.
- Project Kickoff Meetings: presented approach, introduced key concepts to support change management for the EHR effort, shared information about modern EHR systems and their capabilities and conducted visioning sessions.
- Home Visits and Gap Assessment: a mix of one-on-one interviews, group work sessions, and observation of operations and workflow.
- EHR Implementation Strategy: work with the DMVA PVH Core Team to confirm the implementation strategy for the new EHR which will describe the planned scope for the implementation and detailed tasks to execute the plan.
- Draft RFP and RFP Evaluation Plan: provided a starting point for identifying attributes and functional requirements, and defined the project scope and objectives, software.
- Establishment of the Core Team, Project Scope, Budget, and Schedule Management Plans
- Gap and Current Environment Assessment
- EHR Implementation Strategy
- RFP, Software Requirements, and Evaluation Plan
- Revised and finalized Request for Proposal, Software Requirements, and Evaluation Plan
- Pre-Proposal Conference Documents
- Demonstration Script, Reference Check Guide(s), Site Visit Planning, and Support for DMVA
- PVH Vendor Evaluation Scoring